Monday, November 15, 2010

It Gets Better [tongue-in-cheek: Save the GLBT peeps]

This is far from writing related, but then again nothing really is writing related, we relate to writing since writing is all about connecting things. So I hope you connect this idea, somehow. The 'It Gets Better' campaign is a Youtube based meme/collection of videos, all of which aimed at teens with an alternative sexuality [gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual] who think of suicide. Being bullied to the point where a person can think that life is not worth it is perhaps the lowest humanity can fall down to and it's only fair that the younger generation receives a message of reassurance that it does get better by people, who have been there.

I'm personally in this position, not entirely outside the closet, but not entirely in. I live in a social environment that is not very open towards different people and I could have used this, while I was growing up and coming to terms that I am homosexual:

I know, the videos, don't promise WHEN things will become better. AND you should know that 'it gets better' does not mean a sparkly happily ever after [I'm still waiting for mine], but it's a slow transition. It's there. It's happening. Just you wait and see.


Charles Gramlich said...

Even though I wasn't really bullied as a kid, I can attest that even in my situation life got better as I matured and as I began to interact with more people who were mature. The teenage years were agony for me in many ways, not from bullying but from wanting that which I would never be able to get.

Harry Markov said...

I think that every teen has one of those as well. I remember clearly that I had one of those periods, during which I wanted things I knew I would not have.

It gets better for everybody, is the truth, but this one is more geared towards the new GLBT generation.