Monday, April 19, 2010

[April 19th] Chaos Gets Lazy, Order Sucker-Punches


Project: “Forged in Blood”
New Words Written: 1,000
Present Total Word Count: 35,608
Goal: 100,000 by End May

Percent Reached: 35%

Things Accomplished in Fiction:

“Forged in Blood” is pretty much moving at a slow pace. It has a lot to do with the personal factors listed below, but it’s moving. This week I am picking up the pace and installing one very stable regime. Even if I keep this pace for two weeks it will be a blessing, because it will produce 20,000 words, which will cross over the middle and enter the last third of the book. I sure hope so. Thank you all for addressing the dialogue problem I am having. Currently I am moving things and when the editing phase occurs the middle will need most reconstruction. I am not a middle-person apparently. I can deliver endings and whip up beginnings, but I am so not good with the middle. So, this is not an issue.

On a different note, ‘Cosmic Love’ [or ‘A Girl Made of Stars’] has passed the first third with around 15-16 pages in the small moleskine journal. No actual wordcount there and I am very much in love with the writing of a fairy tale, although I am not sure whether or not what my mind is piecing together is a fairy tale or comes close. I am eager to read Angela Slatter and see how a master does it.

Things Accomplished in Real Life:

I made the healthy decision to stop review blogging for awhile, because it soured in a way I’d never have imagined. The self-imposed deadlines to read & review & be entertaining & be as active as possible on Twitter, which is me losing control over something I generally enjoy in order to receive instant glorification. The strain pretty much interfered my writing and that is a thing that should never ever happen. Reading is the support beam of writing and it should never come to an either/or situation. With this out of the way and my foraging into new and oh so delicious books, I feel better.

In more boring news, I am swamped with university deadlines and will need to get some job related papers. April is busy.

And oh, the volcanic cloud reached Bulgaria. We are crippled like the rest of Europe, too.


Charles Gramlich said...

I'm getting ready to start grading. NOt looking forward to that.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck Harry with all of these, glad things are moving forward :)

Harry Markov said...

@ Charles: Grading is boring as it sounds, I am afraid. I had to do it with my little sister as in proofing her homemade tests. Gah, boredom. Good luck, man.

@ Jason: Thanks. I am positively happy that I am pushing them forward.